Gamma Tocotrienol in the War on Cancer

Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist
Gamma Tocotrienol in the War on Cancer
A flurry of recent studies demonstrates that gamma tocotrienol, a unique form of vitamin E, offers protection at the molecular level from a number of different types of cancer.

Breast Cancer1 – A study showed that gamma tocotrienol, at levels of dietary supplement intake, reduced the spreading of breast cancer cells by 58%.

Prostate Cancer2 – A study showed that gamma tocotrienol was able to kill prostate cancer cells by modulating gene signals, including reduction of the key pro-inflammatory gene signal, NF-kappaB. Additionally, it was found to modulate other genes that inhibited the ability of the prostate cancer cells to spread, meaning that in addition to killing prostate cancer cells it was able to reduce their invasiveness.

Stomach Cancer3 – A study showed that gamma tocotrienol induced cell death and prevented cell metastasis of stomach cancer cells. The authors concluded, “These findings suggest a potential mechanism of gamma-tocotrienol-mediated antitumor metastasis activity and indicate the role of vitamin E as potential chemopreventative agents against gastric cancer.”

Colon Cancer – A study showed that gamma tocotrienol could knock out colon cancer cells. Once again, part of the mechanism of action was a potent reduction of the inflammatory gene signal NF-kappaB.

Malignant Melanoma5 – Skin cancer is a major concern for many. A new study shows that gamma tocotrienol can kill melanoma cells, primarily by reducing NF-kappaB and related gene signals. It also reduced gene signals associated with invasiveness. And it also helped chemo drugs work better, consistent with earlier findings of synergistic benefit.

While no person should consider any one vitamin a treatment or prevention of cancer, this data clearly shows that gamma tocotrienol is a powerful tool working in your favor.

Referenced Studies

  1. ^ Gamma Tocotrienol, Resveratraol, and Breast Cancer  Int J Oncol.  Hsieh TC, Wu JM.
  2. ^ Gamma Tocotrienol and Prostate Cancer  Br J Cancer.   Yap WN, Chang PN, Han HY, Lee DT, Ling MT, Wong YC, Yap YL.
  3. ^ Gamma Tocotrienol and Gastric Cancer  J Nutr Biochem.   Liu HK, Wang Q, Li Y, Sun WG, Liu JR, Yang YM, Xu WL, Sun XR, Chen BQ.
  4. ^ Gamma Tocotrienol and Colon Cancer  Nutrition.  Xu WL, Liu JR, Liu HK, Qi GY, Sun XR, Sun WG, Chen BQ.
  5. ^ Gamma Tocotrienol and Malignant Melanoma  Nutr Cancer.  Chang PN, Yap WN, Lee DT, Ling MT, Wong YC, Yap YL.

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