Acidophilus, H. Pyloria, and Your Stomach

Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist
Acidophilus, H. Pyloria, and Your Stomach
A new understanding of Helicobacter pylori1 and its mode of operation may save numerous Americans from stomach ulcer and general heartburn and indigestion. It has been known for a while that as many as 60% of Americans have a significant problem with H. Pyloria and in many cases don't have a lot of symptoms (and in many cases they do).

New information is showing that H. Pyloria, like Candida albicans, is a normal inhabitant of the intestinal flora. H. Pyloria, like Candida, can turn somewhat hostile when digestion has been imbalanced. Once this happens then H. Pyloria begins to release toxic LPS (Lipopolysaccharide), in turn inducing inflammatory damage to the lining of your stomach. This can cause heartburn, indigestion, bloating within minutes of eating and could eventually lead to more serious problems such as an ulcer.

The new study shows that friendly acidophilus directly communicates to the gene signaling system involved with the H.Pyloria-driven toxic inflammation and stops it. This is a significant new understanding of how acidophilus works in your digestive tract. IN the past I have mostly thought of acidophilus from small intestine and large intestine problems, as that is where these friendly flora mostly reside. But now it can be seen that that play a communication role within the entire digestive tract, helping to keep H. Pyloria in check and in a friendly condition.

Since antibiotics are one main cause of disruption to friendly acidophilus (massively depreleting its numbers), a history with antibiotic use could therefore set up a serious H. Pylria infection because natural balance has been disturbed – similar to the idea of how Candida overgrows. In fact, this means that Candida overgrowth and H. Pyloria overgrowth are likely to both happen at the same time.

Nutritional support to restore digestive balance is vital, which should include the use of high quality acidophilus.

Referenced Studies

  1. ^ Lactobacilli, Helicobacter Pylori, and Immunity  World J Gastroenterol   Zhou C, Ma FZ, Deng XJ, Yuan H, Ma HS

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