Blueberries Protect the Brain from Toxic Stress

Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist
Blueberries Protect the Brain from Toxic Stress
A new study shows that blueberries1 are highly protective against brain damage induced by toxic exposure. This is more research that continues to document the brain-protecting power of blueberries. Our brains are subjected to a variety of stressors in day to day life. Some are related to emotions, some to poor quality food, and others involve pollution or chemical exposure.

Brain stress is partly excitotoxic in nature and partly due to free radical damage. Either mechanism causes brain inflammatory messengers to heat up and cause wear and tear problems. Many nutrients can help, and blueberries are a great choice.

The researchers concluded by stating that “blueberry supplementation may protect against neurodegeneration and cognitive impairment mediated by excitotoxicity and oxidative stress.”

Referenced Studies

  1. ^ Blueberries and Brain Health  NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING  Kara B. Duffy, Edward L. Spangler, Bryan D. Devan, Zhihong Guo, Jonna L. Bowker, Anne M. Janas, Adrienne Hagepanos, Robin K. Minor, Rafael DeCabo, Peter R. Mouton, Barbara Shukitt-Hale, James A. Joseph, Donald K. Ingram

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