Breastmilk: Next Big Thing in Cancer Research?

Breastmilk: Next Big Thing in Cancer Research?
A compound in breast milk may be the next big thing in cancer treatment research. The compound called HAMLET (Human Alpha-lactalbumin Made LEthal to Tumor cells) is gaining recognition once again. Originally discovered in 2010, HAMLET is a combination of the milk protein alpha-lactalbumin and oleic acid, an omega-9 mono-unsaturated fat that is naturally found in human milk and many foods, especially olive oil.

Researchers accidentally discovered HAMLET’s exciting health benefits while observing how proteins interact with cancer cells. The specific HAMLET protein amazed researchers by targeting tumor cells for death while leaving healthy cells untouched, unlike current cancer treatments. Effects varied somewhat between the type of cancer cell, but promising results have been observed in over 40 different types of tumor cells including ovarian, lung, liver, bladder, and intestinal.

When researchers injected bladder cancer patients with HAMLET, just a few hours later their urine contained dead tumor cells. Topical HAMLET samples were also applied to HPV warts with positive results. Such exciting results are promising for the future of cancer research using HAMLET.

How Does HAMLET Work?

HAMLET’s unique cancer fighting properties are believed to be related to the way oleic acid causes the protein to form. In order to be functional, proteins fold and twist into a specific shape. Until the discovery of HAMLET, researchers believed that proteins only folded into one specific shape. When HAMLET combines with oleic acid, however, it folds into a new “mutant” shape, which causes it to have anti-tumor properties.

To understand how HAMLET could target tumor cells for cell suicide (called apoptosis) while leaving healthy cells untouched, researchers synchronized knowledge of HAMLET and the Warburg effect. The Warburg effect is an observation that tumor cells have a different metabolism (how they use energy) than healthy cells. It has since been determined that HAMLET identifies a cancerous cell by its unique metabolism and targets a tumor cell’s nuclei, or command center, to program the cell for suicide.

How to Reap the Benefits of HAMLET

The good news is you don’t have to have access to human breast milk to reap HAMLET’s benefits. Another compound, called BAMLET (Bovine Alpha-lactalbumin Made LEthal to Tumor cells), is a cow’s milk version of this tumor killing compound. This compound can be made by humans when consuming milk proteins and oleic acid, found in olive oil. Similar cancer-killing properties have been observed in clinical studies using BAMLET.

Researchers believe that the production of HAMLET/BAMLET takes places in the stomach when hydrochloric acid breaks down the protein, alpha-lactalbumin, and it begins to unfold. Oleic acid can then bind to it and form the unique structure, HAMLET or BAMLET.

Whey protein contains 23% Alpha-lactalbumin. Mix a tablespoon or two of extra virgin olive oil into your breakfast smoothie with a scoop of high quality whey protein. If you are not taking antacids, your own digestive system should create its own BAMLET!

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