Candida Helps Cause Periodontal Problems

Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist
Candida Helps Cause Periodontal Problems
Candida albicans overgrowth can form biofilms in your oral cavity that coat the subgingival area and drive the process of periodontal infection. A recent study of 53 otherwise healthy patients with periodontitis1 found that 40% of them had such a problem with Candida.

The researchers were able to further identify that these patients had high levels of Candida-secreted acid protease enzymes – enzymes that are known to induce serious deterioration to healthy body structure (i.e., weaken or damage jaw bone).

It is likely that any individual with an overgrowth of Candida contributing to periodontal problems will also have an overgrowth of hostile bacteria, like two bad gangs in the same neighborhood competing for turf. We now know that such a problem increases cardiovascular risk, as the toxic byproducts of these infections enter the general circulation relatively easily and produce lots of inflammation – including the elevation of LDL cholesterol as a defense mechanism.

If you have signs of periodontal wear and tear and you have a history of likely Candida-related sinus or digestive issues, then taking care of your oral hygiene as a priority may not only save your teeth but may also help your cardiovascular well being. Lowering your overall Candida imbalance will be key to helping solve the localized dental problem.

Referenced Studies

  1. ^ Candida and Periodontal Problems  Arch Oral Biol.  Barros LM, Boriollo MF, Alves AC, Klein MI, Gonçalves RB, Höfling JF.

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