Colostrum Protects Against Leaky Gut During Exercise

Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist
Colostrum Protects Against Leaky Gut During Exercise
Could it be that those struggling to do aerobic exercise are being troubled by a leaky gut causing toxins from their digestive tract to enter their blood and make them feel crummy? A new study in athletes suggests this may very well be the case and that bovine colostrum may be the answer.

The new study shows that athletes who run for 20 minutes at 80% of their aerobic maximum elevated their body temperature by 2 degrees. This increase in core heat had a direct effect on the digestive tract, increasing gut permeability by 250%1. In a runner, these toxins entering the general circulation set the stage for heat stroke. Consumption of bovine colostrum for two weeks prior to running reduced the problem by 80%. Colostrum turned on heat shock proteins within intestinal epithelial cells, enabling them to better cope with the rise in temperature.

I have worked with many people suffering from fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and the like. One of my primary goals with such individuals is to gradually restore their aerobic fitness which is then a major sign of true health improvement. I always use liver support in these individuals as they are typically toxic and already have signs of leaky gut before doing any exercise at all. This is especially true if they are also overweight.

This data opens up a new strategy to help these people. Taking bovine colostrum on a regular basis can help seal their leaky gut which will then help them be able to exercise without being poisoned by toxins coming from their gut. This is a novel solution for a problem that keeps many people from regaining their health.

Referenced Studies

  1. ^ Exercise, Leaky Gut, and Bovine Colostrum  American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology  Marchbank T, Davison G, Oakes JR, Ghatei MA, Patterson M, Moyer MP, Playford RJ.

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