Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin – Simply the Best

Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist
Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin – Simply the Best
The Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin set the standard for quality in the dietary supplement industry many years ago that remains unmatched. I designed this product specifically to offset fatigue, a common thread in many health problems. My reasoning was straightforward; if I could get energy systems to work better in someone with little energy then the dominoes might start to fall in the positive direction, and health was likely to improve. While the product is quite sophisticated, the logic behind it is rather simple – and it has made a great deal of difference to thousands of people over the years.

Most consumers do not understand dietary supplement ingredients and quality differences. They tend to think multiple vitamins are created on an equal basis. This naïveté plays into the hands of all hype mass marketers of cheap junk products that have little under the hood. Many tricks are used to attempt to promote rather meaningless “advantages,” such as whole food concentrates, food form nutrients, liquid vitamins, and other nonsense. This article will help you understand the real story of nutrients in a multiple vitamin.

One misguided premise is that a multiple vitamin need supply only 100 percent of our government’s concept of how much of a nutrient you need to prevent a flagrant nutrient deficiency disease. These Stone Age concepts were often established by observing prisoners and what diseases they developed based on the diet they consumed (like a lack of B1 causing beriberi due to eating polished rice). Such guidelines have little to do with optimal health, offsetting stress, or producing energy. These latter issues are the basic concerns of just about anyone who lives in the typical high stress world and is trying not to have their health compromised by all the demands they are under.

Modern science shows that vitamins, minerals, and many other nutrient co-factors participate in millions of chemistry reactions in your body that are required for optimal health. It is rather obvious that the more stress you are under and the harder you push your body, the greater your need for these vital health promoting nutrients.*

It is popular for many dieticians, doctors, and public health officials to claim that you can get all your vitamins, minerals, and other nutrient co-factors from your diet. This argument falls short for a variety of reasons. The majority of Americans don’t take the time to prepare and eat truly high quality food. Additionally, even many seemingly wholesome foods are grown in nutrient depleted and polluted soils, and also contain a dose of pesticide toxins in every bite. We obviously must eat something, but true quality food is in short supply.

If you do eat an organic and wholesome diet, your energy level is great, your fitness is very good, and your stress demands are well under control, then maybe you don’t need any extra help. However, the majority of people who fall into this category are the very ones who also tend to take a variety of nutrients to further bolster their health, because they do not want to get any older any faster than they have to.

A multiple vitamin is the core product in any person’s common sense approach to health. That multiple vitamin needs to energize you and help you feel better. You should be able to tell a difference when you take it. When designing a multiple vitamin the core base of the product is the B vitamins. You can tell a great deal about a company by the amounts and types of B vitamins they put in their products.

What are B vitamins?

B vitamins are nutrients that cannot be synthesized in adequate amounts by your body to sustain your health, thus you must consume them. Fresh unprocessed food is an excellent source of B vitamins. B vitamins are found in many different foods including whole grains, animal meats, beans, vegetables, and fruit. Eating a varied diet of whole and unprocessed foods is the best way to get these nutrients from your food. Yet at least half the American population is lacking adequate B vitamins for optimal health.

In dietary supplements the B vitamins are made by microbial fermentation. This is similar to the idea of friendly flora in your digestive tract fermenting your dietary carbohydrates, protein, and fiber and producing useful metabolic by-products. After the B vitamins are grown under controlled conditions they are purified, stabilized, and then ready for use in dietary supplements.

Quality variables are one issue with the B vitamins – especially how well they are purified. The entry of China into the dietary supplement raw material market has caused low cost B vitamins to be dumped into the consumer market. Currently, production standards in China are not dependable.

Really cheap B vitamins tend to stink a lot. Any B vitamins have a slight odor that will get stronger with age of the product. The cheap B vitamins start out in a foul smelling condition. This is why so many companies put them in tablets and then coat the tablets – they are trying to cut down on the smell. Open any box of B vitamin-fortified cereal and take a deep smell of the contents – you’ll see what I mean.

In addition to basic product purification the actual final form of the B vitamin that is produced makes a huge quality difference. At Wellness Resources I focus on the co-enzyme forms of B vitamins in our products as they are easy to absorb and already in the exact form your cells need, which is a major metabolic advantage.

These types of high-grade B vitamins cost much more than the inactive forms most often used in supplements, but they make a huge difference to your health.

An inactive form of a B vitamin must have energy (ATP) donated to it to make it useful. This process may not work well in people who are already stressed or short on energy – thus they don’t feel any better from their vitamin. In my Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin I rely on the co-enzyme forms of B vitamins.

B12 Tells the Story

The most expensive component in any multiple vitamin is B12. You can immediately tell the quality of any multiple vitamin--regardless of the hype that promotes it--by looking at the form of the B12 in the product and the amount of B12 in each capsule. Since I have repeatedly stressed the importance of higher quality forms of B vitamins as a quality standard, many companies now use them. The problem is, they often don’t use very much of them, especially the extremely important B12. Rather, they try to boost their prices by putting a lot of cheap “whole food herbs” into the product – a silly ploy to cover up a lack of money spent on the ingredients that actually matter most to your health.

The cheapest form of B12 is called cyanacobalamin. Your body cannot actually use this nutrient in this form; you must first strip off the front end molecule, which happens to be cyanide and then detoxify it. Then you must have the energy to turn it into one of the co-enzyme forms (methylcobalamin or adenosylcobalamin).

Why do companies put cheap B12 in products when it makes you have to detoxify the cyanide? Answer: cheap B12 is 1/10th the price of methylcobalamin. How much cyanide do you want to take? This issue takes on even greater importance for those with existing chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue, or fibromyalgia.

Any company still putting cyanacobalamin in their multiple vitamin, B complex, or homocysteine reduction formula is simply using a cheap ingredient and hopes you don’t care about the quality of what you are taking. Don’t listen to their hype – realize the simple fact – they will cut similar corners to save money ON EVERY SINGLE PRODUCT THEY MAKE.

If a company uses methylcobalamin then the next important question is, how much? Be careful, labels can sometimes deceive you. The serving size may be as high as 8 capsules/tablets, so it sounds like you are getting a larger amount. However, each capsule/tablet only contains 1/8 of the amount listed. Whenever a manufacturer lists the directions on the bottle, such as 1-2 capsules up to three times a day, then the supplement facts panel must list the serving size as 2 capsules – the commonly consumed higher dose.

I have seen some deceptive companies list the serving size as 8 capsules/tablets, even though you are only expected to take 4 at a time. Such labels are not in compliance with labeling laws, and are written to make consumers think they are getting more than they really are. Many people think they are getting that amount in just one capsule/tablet, simply because they don’t understand the number of capsules/tablets in a serving.

With a little bit of math you can quickly calculate the relative value of one product to another, based on the idea that the B12 is the most expensive component. Unless you buy a family size product, most multiple vitamin products are a one month or 30 day supply. Thus, figure out how much B12 is in a daily dose and divide the cost of the product by 30, which will give you a relatively accurate estimate of how much you are actually paying for the quality in the bottle.

In my Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin, there are 90 capsules in a bottle (a one month supply for one person). Each three capsules contain 400 mcg of methylcobalamin and 400 mcg of another form of co-enzyme B12 called adenosylcobalamin. Our every day WEB price for this product is $22.40 or $0.74 for 400 mcg of daily methylcobalamin.

Once you compare this to other products you will quickly see the true value that you get in the Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin. Many companies charge you $50.00 a month for a multiple vitamin with 100 mcg of daily methylcobalamin, more than six times the price of Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin.

The reason you need extra B12 is because it is the primary nutrient that keeps many brain and liver chemistry reactions going--a need that rises in direct proportion to the stress you are under. Our government’s B12 level is set for the prevention of a form of anemia related to B12, which is irrelevant to your daily stress related needs. Methylcobalamin sits in the middle of hundreds of vital energy and health related metabolic reactions; if you don’t have enough these, important health sustaining activities are not going to happen at an optimal pace.*

You will also notice that the Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin contains the other co-enzyme form of vitamin B12 known as adenosylcobalamin – a form seldom included in most multiple vitamins. This is in our product because the two co-enzyme forms of B12 form a “pool” of active B12 metabolites. If that pool lacks adenosylcobalamin then your body will convert methylcobalamin into adenosylcobalamin rather than use it in ways you would like. In essence, this is a waste of methylcobalamin.

Adenosylcobalamin is needed to assemble proteins into your physical structure, and as such is an anti-physical wear and tear nutrient. By providing both active forms of B12 in a single product a new quality standard is set – one that provides enough of these vital nutrients to support your health.

Compensating for Low Quality

Don’t be deceived by “bells and whistles” that appear as “added value” to a multiple vitamin. They are generally smokescreens to cover up the lack of money spent on the B12 that actually matters to your health--all forms of consumer manipulation are in play.

For example, take the “whole food” marketing scam. This ploy grinds up a lot of different types of plants and shoves them into a capsule to fill space. It sounds good but these nutrients are really just cheap fillers that have very low levels of actual active ingredients. Yet this scam makes it sound like the product is some type of whole food wonder pill, when in fact it is mostly full of cheap ingredients that cover for the lack of B12 and other important nutrients for energy production.

Then there is the “food form” nutrient, made by fermenting vitamins with yeast and making some form of concoction that is then claimed as a food form nutrient. Many individuals are highly reactive to the yeast components in these products, which makes these products significant allergens for many who take them, especially if the individual has a history of Candida or mold issues.

And then there are companies that just throw yeast into their multiple vitamins, again producing a lower quality and often allergy provoking product. Such a company will almost always use a cheap form of B12 and other B vitamins, hoping you don’t know any better.

Liquid vitamins are for the most part a joke. Water accelerates chemistry reactions and anyone who takes a liquid B vitamin will be lucky to get anything from it.

Of course, stay away from any multiple vitamin in a tablet. Compressing a bunch of ingredients into a mini-rock reduces their absorption and increases the likelihood they will pass through your system undigested.

At Wellness Resources all of our capsule products use V-caps (vegetarian cellulose capsules). These capsules readily dissolve in your digestive tract, at which point our fine quality and easy-to-absorb nutrients are released. And they contain no animal by-products.

All Wellness Resources our products have been designed to work in a clinical environment, oftentimes to help people who have lost all hope. This need of many of our customers has forged the quality difference that has become the Wellness Resources brand. When you are trying to fix your health the last thing you need is to take products that have little chance of working. Of course, fine quality products work the best for healthy people too, and are the first choice for the quality minded, discerning consumer.

It does cost more to put real quality in a product. We have been in business, as a family business, for more than 25 years. We’ve done it by providing real quality for a fair price – something you won’t find from network marketing companies, hype oriented health professionals, and corporate cost-cutting giants. Compare the B12 form, amount, and price – try our product – and form your own conclusions. Energy is the backbone of health.

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