Fish Oil: Detect the Quality Difference

Fish Oil: Detect the Quality Difference
You may have heard that you should be taking a fish oil supplement. However, not all fish oil is the same! Know what to look for when choosing a fish oil supplement.

More and more doctors are recommending fish oil supplements as research continues to support its health benefits. Even the Mayo Clinic has come out and said that Americans should be taking fish oil for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. Fish oil is also shown to help eyesight, brain health, pregnancy, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, cancer, and obesity. However, the quality of the fish oil supplement makes a big difference in health benefits you receive!

Here’s what to look for in your fish oil supplement:

1. Mercury Free: Fatty fish like tuna and salmon are prone to toxin accumulation and have become contaminated with mercury, PCB’s and other heavy metals that are toxic to the brain. Smaller fish like anchovies, sardines, and mackerel are lower on the food chain and naturally lower in heavy metals to begin with. However, to ensure your fish oil supplement is free of mercury or other heavy metals, choose a molecularly-distilled, mercury-free fish oil supplement.

2. High DHA: Fish oil is a rich source of the omega-3 oils DHA and EPA. DHA is the most important essential fatty acid in fish oil that you want to ensure you get in adequate amounts. Research shows supplementing with DHA has a positive effect on mood, hypertension, vision, asthma, arthritis, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and more. DHA deficiencies have been linked to Alzheimer’s, depression, learning disabilities, and vision decline. So, be sure to take a fish oil supplement that is higher in DHA than EPA. Too much EPA may thin the blood too much or get in the way of DHA doing its job.

3. Triglyceride Form: The most absorbable type of fish oil is the natural triglyceride (TG) form.The TG form is more bioavailable than ethyl esters (EE) and is better digested and absorbed. The triglyceride form is a more stable fish oil that will not oxidize in the capsule. Better digestion and less oxidation means there won’t be a "fishy taste" or burping of fish oil, plus more DHA is absorbed into cells.

If you have been thinking about using fish oil, don’t just grab any supplement off the shelf. The quality of your fish oil really does make a difference to your health. Use these tips to make sure you only get the best!

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