Glutamine Boosts Digestive Immunity

Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist
Glutamine Boosts Digestive Immunity
Glutamine is the vital amino acid that is needed more than any other amino acid to sustain the structural integrity of your digestive tract. It is also highly concentrated in breast milk, supporting the digestive evolution of the newborn child. A new study shows that glutamine1 potently enhances the function of immune cells lining your digestive tract.

In this animal experiment mice were put on glutamine-rich diet or one lacking in glutamine at 14 days of age. They were then exposed to an infectious bacteria. Those on glutamine were far more able to defend themselves, as macrophages that lined their digestive tract were energized and ready for action – with significantly better ability to engulf and destroy invaders. Tests also showed these energized macrophages had much stronger anti-fungal activity.

Supplemental glutamine may be important for any individual struggling with any type of ongoing digestive distress. This is especially true if muscle weakness or fatigue accompanies the digestive problems as this indicates muscles are being broken down to send glutamine to the digestive tract. Infants with digestive problems are likely to benefit from glutamine supplementation, especially if they are not being breastfed and are having any sort of digestive issue.

Referenced Studies

  1. ^ Glutamine Enhances Digestive Immunity  Journal of Nutrition  Marcelo Macedo Rogero, Julio Tirapegui, Marco Aurélio Ramirez Vinolo, Maria Carolina Borges, Inar Alves de Castro, Ivanir Santana de Oliveira Pires and Primavera Borelli.

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