Gut Bacteria Influences Weight Loss

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Gut Bacteria Influences Weight Loss
Why is it that some people lose weight only to gain it back? The yo-yo dieter. This type of weight battle can be extremely frustrating. The old way of thinking was to eat less and exercise more if you want to lose weight. That model is ancient history now. While the old “calories-in, calories-out” model of weight loss will work temporarily, it doesn’t get to the root cause of the issue.

The majority of Americans are overweight and nearly 38% are classified as obese. Rising obesity rates have fueled a rise in research. The past few decades of weight loss research has produced dozens of studies showing that the bacteria in your stomach likely play a much bigger role than calorie counting does when it comes to dropping extra fat.

This dramatically changes things. No longer should we think of overweight individuals as lazy or lacking in will power. Rather, our toxic environment, antibiotic use, processed and sugar-laden foods, and increasingly stressful lifestyles are likely to blame for the rising obesity epidemic. With the extra sugar, alcohol, and stress around the holiday season, it’s no wonder many Americans have weight loss as their top New Year’s resolution.

How Bugs Help You Lose Weight

There is no quick fix for weight loss, especially if you have a history of yo-yo dieting. The key to lasting weight is to balance weight loss hormones by following the Five Rules of The leptin Diet. If you are already following the Five Rules and exercising, consider the state of your gut health.

groundbreaking study from Harvard University published in the New England Journal of Medicine demonstrated that certain foods contribute to weight gain more than others. The study followed 120,000 men and women for 12-20 years. Some of the findings came as no surprise. The study concluded that inactivity, stress, and sleeping less than 6 hours or more than 8 hours are trouble for weight. Some of the worst foods for weight gain included potatoes, trans fats, red meat, processed meats, desserts, and sugar-sweetened beverages. Subjects who ate the most amount of these foods were destined to become fat over time.

The most surprising finding of the study came from yogurt. Regular consumption of yogurt turned out to be the most helpful of all the foods for weight – not because of calories but because of friendly flora (probiotics) in the yogurt. Probiotics help to keep the bad bugs from growing out of control.

Bad bugs produce toxins called lipopolysacchardies (LPS) that trigger inflammation, insulin resistance or pre-diabetes and weight gain. Elevated LPS levels in the blood are found in almost all overweight people. Bacterial imbalances and elevated LPS toxins injure and inflame the lining of your digestive tract. An inflamed digestive tract causes the hunger hormone ghrelin to rise which results in cravings.

Improve Gut Health as a Weight Loss Strategy

Friendly flora supplements have been shown to lower LPS by promoting a better balance of bacteria in your digestive tract. If you wish to lose weight and reduce cravings, consider a high quality probiotic supplement with hardy strains of probiotics like lactobacillus and bifido bacteria. Friendly flora have been shown to reduce digestive inflammation as well, which can directly reduce the hunger hormone ghrelin and reduce inappropriate cravings.

To foster the growth of healthy gut flora through diet, choose probiotic and prebiotic rich foods. Prebiotic foods act as a food for the good bacteria. It also promotes the production of butyric acid in the colon which is very anti-inflammatory and helps to offset injury from elevated LPS in the gut.

Probiotic rich foods are foods like fermented vegetables, kefir, and yogurt. Prebiotic foods like artichokes, asparagus, bananas, burdock root, chicory, dandelion greens, eggplant, garlic, honey, Jerusalem artichokes, leeks, onions, and legumes contain certain fibers that feed friendly bacteria. Consider adding in prebiotic nutrients like FOS and arabinogalactan to get an extra fiber boost.

Weight loss can be a frustrating journey. If you have already been following the 5 Rules of The Leptin Diet and exercising but you are still frustrated with your weight, then consider the latest weight loss research. Study after study supports the use of probiotics for improving gut health, reducing LPS, and supporting a healthy weight.

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