Tocotrienols Stop New Fat Cells from Forming

Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist
Tocotrienols Stop New Fat Cells from Forming
One of the great problems involved with being overweight is the extreme ease with which new fat cells form. A new study shows that alpha and gamma tocotrienol1 can help prevent baby fat cells from turning into adult fat cells.

It should be rather obvious to anyone that if you overeat you will expand your fat cell population, regardless of what nutrients you may also consume, because your body must have some place to store all the extra calories.

However, one of the frustrating points regarding weight management is the ease with which fat cells are willing to multiply, even if you are mostly being good. Just a few days of overeating and you can pack on five quick pounds – frustrating to say the least.

Once your fat cells have “learned” how to store weight in excess, it appears that this is a ‘lesson” not easily forgotten. All you have to do is get your insulin too high, by eating a meal that is too large or by snacking between meals, and presto – new fat cells start forming.

It is known that the fat soluble forms of tocotrienol vitamin E accumulate in your fat cells. The new study showed that once they are there they dramatically help change the way insulin is communicating within fat cells, towards the objective of not causing baby fat cells to turn into full-fledged fat-storing adults.

Tocotrienols are the superior form of vitamin E for cardiovascular health. This study shows they are one more tool that helps in the battle to maintain your weight at the correct level.

Referenced Studies

  1. ^ Tocotrienols and Fat Cell Differentiation   J Nutr.   Uto-Kondo H, Ohmori R, Kiyose C, Kishimoto Y, Saito H, Igarashi O, Kondo K.

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