Q10 Needed for Energy, Kidneys, and Your Heart

Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist
Q10 Needed for Energy, Kidneys, and Your Heart
Q10 is required by every cell in your body in the final steps of energy production. If Q10 is lacking then your cell's mitochondria cannot produce energy at the proper rate and will make more free radicals instead. There is no other way for your body to get around this issue – Q10 simply must be there if your are to be properly energized. Q10 is normally made by your liver and tends to decline with age – and is typically lacking in any situation of declining health or fatigue. Long periods of stress may drain your Q10 supply.

A new series of animal experiments1 shows that your kidneys are the first to show significant signs of Q10 distress – a red flag indicating problems are likely anywhere in your body (whatever your weak spots may be). Signs of kidney stress include elevation in blood pressure, poor stress tolerance (adrenal/kidney weakness), elevated BUN/creatine ratio on a blood test, and increased protein in the urine. Obesity is a key stressor for the kidneys. Failure to correct initial weaknesses leads to cardiovascular disease.

While there are many causative factors that contribute to overall cardiovascular disease risk – it is now very clear that having a deficiency of Q10 is not healthy as it handicaps energy production. Fatigue related issues will be the first signs of trouble – followed by more significant wear and tear that will manifest as some form of kidney distress

Referenced Studies

  1. ^ Q10 Important for Kidney Health  PLOS Genetics  Min Peng, Marni J. Falk, Volker H. Haase, Rhonda King, Erzsebet Polyak, Mary Selak, Marc Yudkoff, Wayne W. Hancock, Ray Meade, Ryoichi Saiki, Adam L. Lunceford, Catherine F. Clarke, David L. Gasser.

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