Sweets, Chocolate, Salt, Fat – What Do Your Cravings Mean?

Sweets, Chocolate, Salt, Fat – What Do Your Cravings Mean?
Are you following the Leptin Diet, but still getting cravings? We have long heard the theory that if you have a craving, it might be that your body needs certain nutrients. In fact, there is some truth to that. Learn what your cravings mean so you can finally reach your goal weight!

Sugar Cravings

If cravings for sweets are always your downfall on a diet, it might be your body craving energy. If you aren’t sleeping at night, then you might find that cake irresistible. Studies have shown that getting less than 6 hours of sleep will disturb leptin function, increase levels of ghrelin (your hunger hormone) and increase your risk of developing high blood sugar fivefold.

Imbalanced blood sugar levels are likely to result in cravings for sugar and refined carbohydrates, setting in a trend of fluctuating blood sugar levels. Bitter herbs, fiber, chromium and vanadium can help balance fluctuating blood sugar levels to fight sugar cravings. If you wake up during the night, have restless sleep, or have trouble falling sleep, address sleep issues with nutrients like magnesium glycinate, theanine, passion flower, lemon balm, or melatonin before bed.

Chocolate Cravings

If you crave chocolate when you’re stressed – or maybe even when you’re not stressed – there could be a couple of things going on under the surface. Craving chocolate when you are stressed can point to a magnesium deficiency since chocolate is a good source of magnesium. Since many Americans are low in the anti-inflammatory mineral, getting extra magnesium is essential if you do crave chocolate. If you get a craving for chocolate it is fine to quench the craving with a bit of dark chocolate containing more than 75% cocoa (after a meal), but be sure to address the possible underlying magnesium deficiency. Foods high in magnesium include almonds, cashews, spinach, black beans, kidney beans, dairy, avocado, bananas, and broccoli. Also consider supplementing with highly absorbable magnesium glycinate.

Cravings for Fatty Foods

A craving for fats could indicate your body needs more essential fatty acids. Your body can’t make these fats and the American diet doesn’t provide many sources. If you don’t eat much fish, consider getting the most commonly lacking essential fatty acids DHA and EPA from a high quality fish oil supplement which can improve your health and reduce inflammation.

Also consider that you might need more energy as fat is a very concentrated source of energy. It could be that you aren’t sleeping well, but it might mean the energy systems in the body, your thyroid or your adrenal glands, aren’t functioning up to speed. A symptom of adrenal fatigue is cravings for fatty and sweet foods as your body looks for energy from calories. If your adrenals are struggling to keep up, it is likely your thyroid has extra demands put on it. Hypothyroidism often goes hand-in-hand with adrenal fatigue due to the interconnected nature of the glands. Take the thyroid quiz if you suspect your thyroid might be struggling.

Salt Cravings

Craving salt oftentimes indicates adrenal fatigue. If your adrenal glands are stressed you might be reaching for a salty snack because sodium is required for the formation of adrenal hormones. This is one reason why people crave salty foods when under stress. If you are tired and stressed, allow your body the salt it needs and focus on nourishing your adrenal glands with adaptogenic herbs, pantethine, and vitamin C.

Another simple reason for salt cravings could be dehydration. Americans are commonly dehydrated because of being on the go so often. Try carrying a water bottle with you and make sure you get half your bodyweight in ounces of water every day, plus more if you exercise. Sodium is just one electrolyte. Also make sure you get plenty of potassium and magnesium which are easily flushed out of the body as well.

Abnormal Cravings

Cravings for non-food items, a condition known as PICA, is a symptom of iron-deficiency anemia. Women, especially pregnant women, and the elderly are most at risk for iron deficiencies so be sure to get your iron checked if you have cravings for ice, clay, dirt, or any other non-food item. Only supplement with highly absorbable iron bisglycinate, a protein/iron complex. This unique form of iron does not induce digestive distress or free radical problems. It won’t cause digestive upset or constipation like low quality forms of iron do.

If you are getting cravings, it might be your body trying to tell you something. Rather than reaching for the fries, chips, or dessert, address the root of the issue and feed your body the nutrition it needs. The best way to ensure you get all the nutrients that you need is to eat in moderation. When is the last time that you ate from every color of the rainbow? Ensure you eat plenty of varied fruits and vegetables and supplement with high quality nutrients when your body is crying out for help.

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