Study Title:

[Gluten migraine].

Study Abstract

to study the prevalence of migraine among patients with celiac disease (CD) and clinical features of «gluten migraine» syndrome and to assess the efficacy of gluten diet in its treatment.
Authors examined 200 CD patients (main group) and 100 patients with reflux esophagitis and without CD (control group). All patients fulfilled the headache diary during three months before the diagnosis of migraine was made and six months during gluten diet.
CD group had migraine syndrome four times more often than the control group (48.5%; p<0.001). In CD group migraine attacks were 2.5 times more frequent than in the control group (р=0.004), but the duration of the attacks was less long, 8 hours in average. The migraine attacks measured by the Visual Analog Scale were less intensive, 55% in average, and had a later onset. The attacks were more frequent in CD patients who were older than 50 years old (р<0.05). The attacks disappeared in 25% of patients with migraine syndrome who were on the gluten diet and the reduction in the intensity and/or frequency of attacks was observed in 38% of patients. We revealed the clear association between migraine syndrome and CD and the high efficacy of gluten diet in the treatment of migraine symptoms.

Study Information

[Gluten migraine].
Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova.
2015 January

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