Blueberries Reduce Insulin Resistance & Fat Cell Inflammation

Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist
Blueberries Reduce Insulin Resistance & Fat Cell Inflammation
An animal study shows that blueberry extract1 can prevent insulin resistance and fat cell inflammation, even during the feeding of a high fat diet. The study showed that blueberry extract could help turn down the primary inflammatory gene switch, NF-kappaB.

Blueberries are a true superfood. If they weren't grown in America they would be imported and sold for ten times the price, like other fruits from around the world. It is hard to beat the American blueberry, for many reasons.

The fact that blueberries can help prevent serious metabolic problems that are causing rampant disease in America is a good reason to have them as a regular part of your diet or to include a blueberry extract supplement in your daily routine if you are overweight or trying to lose weight.

Referenced Studies

  1. ^ Blueberry, Insulin Ressitance, and Fat Cell Inflammation  J. Nutr.   Jason DeFuria, Grace Bennett, Katherine J. Strissel, James W. Perfield, II, Paul E. Milbury, Andrew S. Greenberg, and Martin S. Obin.

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