Why Toxins and Waste Products Impede Weight Loss - The Leptin Diet Weight Loss Challenge #3

Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist
Why Toxins and Waste Products Impede Weight Loss - The Leptin Diet Weight Loss Challenge #3
Your body's ability to process trash, including toxic trash, is a pervasive factor in your ability to lose weight and reach a healthy goal weight. Struggling with this issue activates backup strategies for dealing with toxic overload, which include expanding the number of fat cells and stuffing them with toxins as well as fat. This is likely done to get the toxic trash out of your circulation and away from key organs. It causes easy weight gain and complicates weight loss because your body does not easily give up the toxic fat it has stored.

In many ways, our polluted world is a true test of genetic survival of the fittest. The number of toxic chemicals now threatens the reproductive ability1 of the human race and is also a large part of the cancer issue. These chemicals contribute to weight gain in various ways, including disruption of the hormone signaling2 system that regulates your metabolism, damage to and accumulation in your white adipose tissue, and increased risk for poisoning during weight loss. It is absolutely vital that you understand this subject.

Our Toxic World is a Major Metabolic Problem

In my previous article in this series, How Digestive Problems Prevent Weight Loss, I explained how toxic LPS, the result of bacterial imbalance within the digestive tract, stimulates the formation of new fat cells and promotes weight gain. I explained how LPS causes leptin resistance and thyroid malfunction. LPS is an example of an internally generated toxin. There are other internally generated toxins along with plenty of “normal” trash like inflammatory debris and lactic acid. Additionally, pervasive environmental toxins affect everyone to some degree and can cause all of the metabolic malfunctions of LPS, as well as increase the risk for cancer. Many of these environmental toxins are fat soluble, which means they readily accumulate in white adipose tissue.

Some of these toxic compounds have been banned, but the damage has already been done as they continue to bioaccumulate in the food chain and pose long-term challenges to the farming soils throughout America (PCBs, dioxins, furans, DDT, DDE). Others are widely used by industry such as the biocide tributyltin (TBT)3, an anti-fouling agent for paint, which gets into water and accumulates in fish. Others are in daily consumer contact4, including contact with food, such as Bisphenol A (BPA). There are many others. This is a key metabolic problem for the two-thirds of Americans who are overweight.

Once upon a time, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducted a program called the National Human Adipose Tissue Survey (NHATS). In 1982 and again in 1987 it analyzed human fat samples from cadavers obtained throughout the country, looking for the types of toxins that accumulate in human fat. Four industrial solvents and one dioxin were found in 100 percent of the fat samples6. Nine more chemicals, including three more dioxins and one furan were found in more than 90 percent of the fat samples. In general, 83 percent of the fat samples contained PCBs. U.S. researchers have confirmed the presence of multiple toxins in human fat7 associated with obesity risk. The EPA has confirmed the presence of these chemicals as pollution in the farm soil across America – meaning this problem will be with us for some time to come.

The scientific theory of how these chemicals cause weight gain8 and difficulty losing weight has now been established. They bind to gene signaling within white adipose tissue and induce new fat cells to form9 while simultaneously increasing inflammation10. Oftentimes, the newly formed fat cells are themselves damaged by the toxins11 so that they cannot metabolically perform12, which includes an inability to make leptin normally13. These damaged fat cells can fill up with excess fat14 and toxins, but are not able to efficiently carry out normal functions of fat cells, leading directly to increased risk for type 2 diabetes15 via the suppression of the important fat cell hormone16 known as adiponectin17. Several human studies confirm that PCBs increase diabetes risk.18 These chemicals pose a serious problem to the thyroid gland19 and the efficient utilization of thyroid hormone throughout your body. Furthermore, they can cause either hypothyroidism20 or hyperthyroidism. Trying to get the fat and toxins out of these damaged fat cells is no small challenge in terms of successful weight loss, yet it is vital to restore normal metabolism.

Damage occurs, and may be very difficult to resolve, if exposure to these chemicals occurs while in the womb21 and during the early years of life. Breast milk may contain numerous fat-soluble toxins22 depending upon the health of the mother. Such toxic exposure during formative years may influence gene settings in a way that predisposes future obesity (an adverse epigenetic change23). It has also been shown that when these chemicals disrupt thyroid hormone function24 during development they also adversely impact the development of the brain. A human study has confirmed the future risk of obesity25 in women whose mothers had high levels of the chemical compound DDE.

Toxins Pose a Major Challenge to Weight Loss

A variety of reasons toxins pose a major challenge to weight loss. A person who has too many toxins to process will make new fat cells and store those toxins along with fat in them. This is first a form of self-defense against being poisoned, and second, a strategy to get toxins out of the circulation and away from major organs. This means that some people will not be able to lose any weight at all, regardless of how little they eat, until the acute nature of their plumbing problems are addressed.

It is very clear that these toxins are released back into the circulation during weight loss. This is especially the case during significant weight loss26. During a weight loss of 12 percent of body weight toxins in the blood increased 23 percent - 51 percent, with the heaviest individuals releasing the most toxins27. Over a one year period of weight loss toxic exposure ranged up to a whopping 388 percent. Scientists have shown that such toxins can interfere with thyroid hormone28 function during weight loss. Human data shows that as the toxins go up in the blood during weight loss the levels of biologically active thyroid hormone (T3)29 go down. This data means that your plumbing and detoxification systems must be in good working condition for healthy weight loss – or possibly even to engage weight loss.

Toxins make you feel irritable. Many people report feeling “poisoned” at a certain point in their weight loss process. Such people will always feel better when they eat a lot of food, as the toxins are pulled out of their blood and placed back in fat – along with plenty of fat. With a little effort, most people can readily lose weight they have most recently gained. After that, people reach what I like to call it the "toxic plateau." This means that detoxification strategies may need to be adjusted if weight loss slows too much or stops. In my clinical experience, the difficult-to-lose pounds are typically toxic fat. Strategies to improve detoxification often enable weight loss to proceed. While overweight people who struggle to lose weight with a good diet and exercise have this problem to some degree, those who are the most overweight experience this issue to a greater degree.

Individuals with chemical sensitivity issues are extremely challenged. Virtually all individuals with chemical sensitivity are hyper-inflamed, have lost physical strength and fitness, and are either overweight or underweight. Oddly enough, being overweight is generally better than being underweight, because at least the backup system of stuffing toxins into fat still works. Underweight people usually have excessive damage to their white adipose tissue and can't store toxins in fat. This usually equates to more damage in their bodies from the toxins (including type 2 diabetes). However, as the weight is lost and the toxins come back into the blood, it is like a fresh new chemical exposure with a reaction. Such individuals must optimize their vitamin D levels--keeping them in the upper 2/3 of normal range--while using anti-inflammatory nutrients like quercetin and grape seed extract to help lower the amount of chemical reactions that will otherwise derail their progress.

Strategies to Improve Detoxification During Weight Loss

The nutritional support strategies I outlined in the first article in this series, The Leptin Diet Weight Loss Challenge – Overview and Basic Needs, cover basic detoxification needs. Of special importance is increased fiber intake. Fiber acts like a sponge for toxins. In that article I suggest 35 – 60 grams of fiber per day, using supplemental fiber to ensure needs are met. Individuals with this toxin issue should try to get their fiber to the 50 – 60 grams range, which may be all it takes to get this problem on track. After that the next most important nutrients to boost are antioxidants in general and vitamin D in particular.

The next step is to boost antioxidant nutrients that are known to help detoxification processes while protecting the liver, brain, white adipose tissue, and/or circulation. Top choices are silymarin, R-alpha lipoic acid, chlorella, quercetin, grape seed extract, vitamin C30, and tocotrienols. It is now understood that “toxic” blood triggers the formation of new fat cells. This is because the endothelial cells of your circulatory system directly communicate to your baby fat cells and can tell them what to do. Keeping your blood as clean as possible and supporting your liver are vital steps to ensure that this process goes smoothly.

Other aspects of detoxification may need to be addressed, however, explaining them in detail goes beyond the scope of this article. For more information and articles on this subject, simply type “detoxification” into the search engine on my website at www.wellnessresources.com. Part of getting a handle on weight loss is becoming a master plumber. Your body's success in processing trash, including toxic trash, is a major key to eventually get to a healthy goal weight.

Referenced Studies

  1. ^ Farm Chemicals Damage Sexual Function  Environmental Health Perspectives  Colette St. Mary, Heather Hamlin, Lauriel Bortnick, and Chelsey Campbell.
  2. ^ Cancer and Environmental Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals  Nature Reviews Endocrinology  1.Soto AM, Sonnenschein C.
  3. ^ The Chemical Tributyltin (TBT) Stimulates the Production of Abnormal Fat Cells  Toxicology.  Carfi' M, Croera C, Ferrario D, Campi V, Bowe G, Pieters R, Gribaldo L.
  4. ^ Toxic Effects of Phthalates and Parabens  Altern Med Rev.  Crinnion WJ.
  5. ^ How Bisphenol A Promotes Obesity  Mol Cell Endocrinol.   Rubin BS, Soto AM.
  6. ^ Many Chemicals Accumulate in Our Fat  Altern Med Rev  Crinnion WJ.
  7. ^ NHANES Data Verfifies Chemicals Increase Obesity Risk  Int J Environ Res Public Health.  Elobeid MA, Padilla MA, Brock DW, Ruden DM, Allison DB.
  8. ^ A Theory of How Chemicals Cause Obesity  Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes.   Grün F.
  9. ^ Chemicals Induce New Fat Cell Formation  Endocrinology.   Grün F, Blumberg B.
  10. ^ PCBs Induce New Fat Cells to Form While Increasing Inflammation  Environ Health Perspect  Arsenescu V, Arsenescu RI, King V, Swanson H, Cassis LA.
  11. ^ Chemicals Stimulate the Production of Abnormal Fat Cells  Biochem Pharmacol.  Moreno-Aliaga MJ, Matsumura F.
  12. ^ Chemicals Damage Glucose Metabolism of Fat Cells  J Biochem Mol Toxicol.  Olsen H, Enan E, Matsumura F.
  13. ^ Chemical Stimulation of New Fat Cells Impairs Leptin Function by Those Fat Cells  J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol.  Phrakonkham P, Viengchareun S, Belloir C, Lombès M, Artur Y, Canivenc-Lavier MC.
  14. ^ Chemicals Induce Excess Fat to Accumulate in Fat Cells  J Pharmacol Sci  Wada K, Sakamoto H, Nishikawa K, Sakuma S, Nakajima A, Fujimoto Y, Kamisaki Y.
  15. ^ Chemicals Increase Risk for Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity  Obesity (Silver Spring).  Dirinck E, Jorens PG, Covaci A, Geens T, Roosens L, Neels H, Mertens I, Van Gaal L.
  16. ^ Chemical PCBs Depress Adiponectin  Int J Obes (Lond).   Mullerova D, Kopecky J, Matejkova D, Muller L, Rosmus J, Racek J, Sefrna F, Opatrna S, Kuda O, Matejovic M.
  17. ^ Bisphenol A Lowers Adiponectin  Environ Health Perspect  Hugo ER, Brandebourg TD, Woo JG, Loftus J, Alexander JW, Ben-Jonathan N.
  18. ^ PCB Exposure Linked to Diabetes Risk  Epidemiology.  Vasiliu O, Cameron L, Gardiner J, Deguire P, Karmaus W.
  19. ^ The Complex Picture of Chemical Disruption of Thyroid Hormone Function  Altern Med Rev.   Patrick L.
  20. ^ Chemicals Promote Hypothyroid as Well as Hyperthyroid States  Endocrine.  Mastorakos G, Karoutsou EI, Mizamtsidi M, Creatsas G.
  21. ^ Chemicals Promote Obesity, Womb Damage May Be Permanent  Obes Rev  Tang-Péronard JL, Andersen HR, Jensen TK, Heitmann BL.
  22. ^ Weight Gain in Response to Environmental Toxins  Environmental Health Perspectives  1.Michelle A. Mendez, Raquel Garcia-Esteban, M?nica Guxens, Martine Vrijheid, Manolis Kogevinas, Fernando Go?i, Silvia Fochs, Jordi Sunyer.
  23. ^ Chemicals Induce Epigenetic Changes Influencing Obesity Risk  J Toxicol Environ Health A.  Lyche JL, Nourizadeh-Lillabadi R, Almaas C, Stavik B, Berg V, Skåre JU, Alestrøm P, Ropstad E.
  24. ^ Chemicals Disrupt Thyroid Hormone Function  Biochem Pharmacol  Jugan ML, Levi Y, Blondeau JP.
  25. ^ The Chemical DDE in Mom Creates Future Obesity Risk  Occup Environ Med.   Karmaus W, Osuch JR, Eneli I, Mudd LM, Zhang J, Mikucki D, Haan P, Davis S.
  26. ^ Many Toxins Elevate in the Blood During Rapid Weight Loss  nt J Obes Relat Metab Disord.   Charlier C, Desaive C, Plomteux G.
  27. ^ Amount of Weight Loss Increases Risk for Toxicity Exposure  Obes Surg.   Hue O, Marcotte J, Berrigan F, Simoneau M, Doré J, Marceau P, Marceau S, Tremblay A, Teasdale N.
  28. ^ PCBs Released From Fat May Interfere with Thyroid Hormone Function  Aquat Toxicol  Montie EW, Fair PA, Bossart GD, Mitchum GB, Houde M, Muir DC, Letcher RJ, McFee WE, Starczak VR, Stegeman JJ, Hahn ME.
  29. ^ Thyroid-Depressing Toxins Released During Weight Loss  Toxicol Sci.  Pelletier C, Doucet E, Imbeault P, Tremblay A.
  30. ^ A Lack of Vitamin C as a Cause for Obesity  Trans Am Clin Climatol Assoc.   Johnson RJ, Andrews P, Benner SA, Oliver W.

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